Sunday, January 27, 2013

Fun. - Some Nights

Okay, so now to be honest... the only reason I heard of this band was Spotify. But this album seemed interesting so I checked it out. Fun has a very unique sound to them yet, at the same time, they reminded me of a band I really like called Run River North (formerly known as Monsters Calling Home.) The album is very catch in an odd way. Great instrumentals and something that's important to me, a unique vocalist. I especially like the song on this album called It Gets Better, it has a very unique sound to it, even from the rest of the album which is unique in itself. Now one thing I really didn't like about the album is the use of auto-tune, that was rather annoying in my opinion it really came in during the song Stars. That really seemed to be the biggest flaw in the album. But overall, this is a fairly strong album, I enjoyed it, I'd give it a 7/10. They were consistent, they were good, just not great. I still suggest checking out this album though, consistency is a great thing.

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